color correct something you need to know what complementary colors are.
Complementary colors are colors that are opposite of each other on the
color wheel (yellow - purple for example). Layering one complementary
color over another nullifies that color. So say we have under eye
circles that have a purple hue to them, the correct color to correct
them with would be yellow.
reason why I explain this is because before I do anything I start by
color correcting the skin using green, orange and yellow. Use a very
light hand, you are trying to lightly correct any imperfections not
audition for Shrek. I use Shu uemura pro concealer for this.
so now you have corrected the coloring, we use foundation. I am of the
belief that foundation should match your skin tone and never be lighter
nor darker than it. Match the color to the skin in the neck and not the
face to avoid any obvious lines. You can use fingers, brushes and
sponges to apply foundation. I use a combination of all three.
My preferred foundation is actually a tinted moisturizer by becca cosmetics called luminous skin colour.
will first apply a thin layer all over the face. Starting in the middle
and blending outward. I will apply up to 3 layers of foundation to
areas that need it.
the foundation is done I will apply concealer to areas like under the
eyes and anything that needs a little extra cover and I finish with a
very light dusting of loose powder.